
A How-To-Guide on setting up Role menus

What are Role Menus?

Find out more here...


The channel and role are tagged and a role menu is sent into the #Channel of the admins choosing along with the tagged @role.

An example can be found below.

/Commandsdo not exist for configuring the bot, the prefix must be used.


Navigate to a bot commands channel or any channel and type...

!rolemenu <Channel> <Role> <MessageID>

Key :

  • <Channel> => Tag a Channel for the dropdown menu to be sent in.

  • <Role> => Tag a Role to be added into the dropdown menu.

  • <MessageID> => {OPTIONAL} Send a MessageID for the bot to add the menu to that message.

As you've probably noticed "<MessageID>" is coloured blue, this means it is an {OPTIONAL} argument.

Read more below...

Basic method (without Custom Message) :

Setup :

  • Run the following command

  • !rolemenu<Channel> <Role>

  • Repeat the same to add multiple roles, but include a <MessageID>

  • Copy the <MessageID> of the Role Menu sent by Mr. 👑

  • Result after deleting unwanted messages...

Advanced Method (using Custom Message) :

Prerequisites :

Setup :

  • Copy the <MessageID> of the Custom Message/Embed sent by Mr. 👑

  • Run the following command replacing <MessageID> by simply pasting the ID

  • !rolemenu<Channel> <Role><MessageID

  • Repeat the same to add multiple roles.

The only difference is that the Advanced method looks a lot nicer.

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Last updated